Property tax appeals lower your tax bill
Recent news reports have detailed the negative affect of property taxes on home sales. Homes are undervalued or not selling because of the high tax bills attached to the property.
At North Shore Property Law, we’ve seen how property tax increases are affecting the North Shore dramatically. The median increase on the value of a residential property in New Trier Township following the 2016 reassessment by Cook County was 25 percent.
Appealing your property taxes is a simple way to reverse that trend; a successful property tax appeal can knock thousands of dollars off a homeowner’s annual tax bill.
Your attorney makes a property tax appeal easy
When you decide to appeal your property taxes, your work as a homeowner is minimal. Our work relies on the publicly available information on the size and characteristics of your property, and comparable properties in your area. If you have a recent appraisal, we will use that information, too.
We present your case to the Board of Review to show why the assessed valuation of your home is too high. If the Board agrees and lowers the assessed value of your home, your property tax bill is also lowered because the assessed value of your home is one part of the equation used to calculate your property tax bill annually.
You reap the benefits
The benefits of this are two-fold. First, a lower tax bill means more money in your pocket. And second, a lower tax bill makes your property more appealing to potential buyers when the time comes to sell your home.
Let us know when we can get to work on your behalf.