Consider 3 ways our attorneys add value to your property tax appeal
We are very fortunate that the property tax appeals clients we work with are bright and accomplished people in the fields of law, tax and finance. Because of their experience and credentials, they once thought that they could prepare and file their own property tax appeals on their home and get the same results as if they hired us.
After experiencing frustration and disappointment with the results they got on their own, they turn to us to appeal their property tax assessment – with much better results.
Here are three ways that our attorneys provide value in preparing and filing your North Shore property tax appeal:
- We get better results. A 2016 quality control study compiled by a local appraisal firm found that residential appeals filed by attorneys achieved a greater rate of savings than those filed by the homeowner, and that the benefits to the homeowner over the three-year assessment period outweigh the associated fees.
- It’s burdensome and time consuming. The Cook County Property Tax system and the appeals process are complicated and deadline-driven. If you miss a deadline or fill out a form incorrectly, it could be fatal to the appeal. Our experience is that experienced accountants, consultants, bankers and doctors often feel overwhelmed and intimidated by the process and don’t present the best case to be made for reducing the assessed valuation of their residential property.
- We are experienced advocates. We know the housing market in the North Shore communities where we live and work, and we know the process for compiling and presenting the most effective evidence to lower your property tax burden.
A favorite story of ours involves an appeal we filed on behalf of the CFO of a large, national tax consulting firm. An analyst that worked for that firm filed an appeal on behalf of the CFO and did not get a reduction. We took over the file, appealed it to the Cook County Board of Review, and got the assessed valuation lowered by 40%. The property owner is now one of our most valued clients, and frequently refers to us other residential appeals on the North Shore.
We don’t send out postcards or flashy mailings to drum up business. We have built a strong residential appeals practice by working with a network of knowledgeable real estate brokers and satisfied clients who refer us to their friends and colleagues. If you are interested in becoming a part of that group, contact our office today.